E&H academy

Overview of training activities for Passive Sampling

In addition to the International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium (IPSW) E&H services, Inc. organises also interactive educational courses.

Passive samplers are easy to handle, but also quite specific, therefore clients require relevant information for their applications and technical support. Moreover, it is associated with data analysis needed for data evaluation. For the folllowing reasons E&H services, Inc. offers different courses for end users.

Our experienced specialists can provide a variety of educational courses. Providing information about your projects or your requirements (eg. for data analysis) in advance will give our clients a huge advantage. In this case we can focus on own solutions and manage the training program more effectively.





Price / PAX**)

PS1 Basic PS fundamentals, design PS, components, instalations, QA/QC rules, chain of custody, typical case studies, calibration data and basic interpretation 1 day 199 €
PS2 OnSite Preparation for installations, chain of custody, blanks, PRC approach, reporting, accreditation criteria, data-matrix for DA 1 day 259 €
PS3 Advanced Kinetic models, advanced sample treatment and analytical methods, calibration methods for novel parameters 1 day 299 €
DA1 Marginal Elementary statistics, exploratory analysis, normality of data, transformations, ANOVA, linear regression, hypothesis testing, QA/QC 3 days 599 €
DA2 Multivariate Correlation, MANOVA, principal component analysis, factor analysis, canonical corelation analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scalling 3 days 599 €
DA3 Robust, advanced Normality, distribution functions, robust marginal analysis, robust multivariate analysis, time series, interpretation of data and relevance to PS 3 days 599 €
DA-R1 R, Basic Information about software, installation, R environment, data types, objects, principles of manipulation with objects and datasets (import, export), basics of R graphics, exploratory data analysis, probability functions, basic statistical tests 4 days 699 €
DA-R2 R, Advanced Correlation, statistical models (ANOVA, regression, linear models, generalized linear models, GAM), multivariate analyses – classification and simple ordination, user defined functions, fundamentals programming in R 5 days 799 €

*) 1 day ≈8-10 hours
**) rough price estimation; each course is planned and prices are clearly communicated and shared in advance; study materials and full refreshment included; travel and accommodation are not included

If you have questions or an interest in participating, please do not hesitate to contact us via contact us.